Friday, September 17, 2010

Tavia Yeung: Mr. Chan didn't affect TVB's morale; Charmaine Sheh admits to gag order (September 17, 2010)

ICAC officially put corruption charges on TVB General Manager Stephen Chan, shocking the entire city. However, this time TVB did not "close the city" and still allowed the media the freedom to interview the artists inside TVB city. It was rumored that the corporation's GM (Lee Bo On) sent out e-mails to their artists ordering them to keep their mouths shut. Yesterday the media contacted TVB to confirm, TVB admitted to the rumor that all behind-the-scenes crew and artists are to keep their mouths shut, if they are involved in the case, they cannot talk about it at all. Yesterday a large group of reporters stood outside of Stephen's apartment, but he left through the back door to avoid the media. Reporters sent a SMS to comfort him, he responded "Thx".

In Stephen Chan's corruption case there are five TVB Fadans involved: Charmaine Sheh, Tavia Yeung, Sharon Chan, Shirley Yeung and Skye Chan. Yesterday besides Sharon, the other 4 appeared in public and went to work as usual. Another rumor started saying that Wayne Lai is on the list of witnesses in court, he expressed that he'll be a good responsible citizen and will cooperate for the investigation.

Yesterday at TVB City, Charmaine and Wayne were filming a series, while another group of artists were shooting for the TVB Anniversary Promotion Clip including Tavia Yeung, Shirley Yeung, Tracy Ip, Fala Chen, Bernice Liu, Bosco Wong, Kate Tsui, etc. Looks like Stephen's case did not affect their work.

Charmaine Sheh:
"Basically the case has already entered the judicial process, it is inconvenient for us to talk about it. I have to watch the news on TV to know too. (TVB ordered to keep mouths shut?) It is TVB's way of protecting us, my manager mentioned it to us before. (Will you call Mr. Chan to comfort him?) ..... Thank you!"

Tavia Yeung:
"I had to rely on all of you to know about Mr. Chan's news. I haven't had the chance to see the news. (Do you think the case will affect TVB's morale?) No, not at the moment. Actually I'm more worried about Mr. Chan, hope he is well, can happily face the case. The most important is nothing will happen, everything else leave it to TVB, I will not respond. (Rumored that TVB executive sent an e-mail out ordering everyone to keep their mouths shut?) Never received one. Actually, this is not what we should be discussing about. I am a part of the company, so I'm just responding with my own thoughts, other things leave it to TVB. (Do you know if you'll testify in court?) Leave it to TVB to arrange, I am not sure."

Shirley Yeung:
"Just got back from Mainland, I know that the case has entered the judicial process, not convenient for me to say too much."

Wayne Lai:
"Of course I hope Mr. Chan will be okay, I have always supported and admired him. If he really is charged, then that is an issue with the law. It will get very complicated. (Will you call him to comfort?) No, in personal lives we don't keep in touch often. We are not considered very familiar with one another, our identity is awkward. (Worried that he won't have jobs?) Not worried, he's still very smart, high EQ and he's quite talented. Of course there are people who won't like him. (Will accept ICAC's investigation request?) Yes, this is what a good responsible citizen does. If I am involved, I will testify, but for now no one has notified me. (TVB told you all to keep mouths shut?) Didn't received the notice either, but it's still inconvenient for us to talk about it because the case really has entered the judicial process. It's not misleading, have to leave it to the court for the ruling, plus have to be fair."

Bosco Wong:
"I didn't know about it, not convenient to respond. If necessary, I will assist anyway I can in court as a responsible citizen. (TVB ordered to keep mouths shut?) No, we have freedom of speech, I never received email."

Tracy Ip:
"TVB didn't tell us to keep our mouths shut, I just don't know what to say because I don't know the case in detail. (Familiar with Mr.Chan?) We had dinner a few years ago, he taught me to face the news positively. (Have you accepted jobs related to him?) I have once, but it's volunteer work. (In the future, will it be problem if you are asked to be investigated?) No problem. (Do you keep in touch with him now?) Not at this time. He takes good care of artists, he is our executive, everyone knows him, but in the current situation, I don't want to bother him."

Bernice Liu:
"I have seen the news, hope everyone can get back to normal soon. Other things it is not convenient for me to say. (Called Mr. Chan?) No, leave it to TVB, the government or involved corporations. (TVB ordered to keep mouths shut?) Didn't say that, didn't tell us to keep mouths shut. (Worried about Mr. Chan?) We are all colleagues, hope to our lives will get back to normal, give people involved in the case some space."

Fala Chen:
"Didn't pay attention to it, will not respond. Also the case has already entered judicial process. (TVB told you all to keep mouths shut?) Didn't receive such orders. Should respect the case and the people involved. (Will you call Mr. Chan?) At this moment, I do not want to bother him, hope he'll be okay, can get through this tough time."

Kate Tsui: "Of course hope Mr. Chan will be okay. Because I am not really sure of the current situation, it's not convenient for me to respond. (Have to keep mouths shut?) Haven't been notified, I do not want to comment on uncertainties."

Moses Chan: "Was not notified. Felt unhappy seeing the news about Mr. Chan. I hope he can get through it as soon as possible. For now, will not contact him. I am actually more worried about him, he is a capable person. I can't do anything, will have to see how Mr. Chan's lawyer handles it. I can only give my condolence to him through the media, hope he'll be okay."

TVB Foreign Affairs Director (Tsang Sing Ming) expressed: "Because the situation has entered the judicial process, whatever anyone says about the case and the information can possibility affect the development, so TVB is protecting every aspect, so sent out the email. This done for manners, and has always been done this way. If the case is charged, then we cannot comment." (Will Mona Fong appear in court as speculated?) "Don't know who is spreading the rumor, what the report says is all speculations, not necessarily the fact." (What is Stephen's current situation?) "Will be announced, depending on the progress."

Source: Mingpao
content translated by: aZnangel @ asianuniverse forums

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