Monday, September 20, 2010

Kara Hui Wins her 7th Best Actress Award (September 19, 2010)

The fresh out of the oven 7 time Best Actress Wai Ying Hung and Lam Ka Tung yesterday attended a "film professional training project 2010" convocation ceremony to cheer on a group of young people who are interested in joining the film industry. Siu Hung two nights ago wtih AT THE END OF DAYBREAK (SUM MOR) won Best Actress at the Vladivostok International Film Festival. She revealed that originally she was very disappointed that the film could not compete for the Golden Rooster Hundred Flower Award during the day, but she received the good new the same night. She said that after receiving the text message she could not wait to inform her friends. Later she would be busy with the celebrations.

Siu Hung and Nick Cheung Ka Fai so far have won seven Best Actress and Best Actor award respectively. Speaking of her catching up, Siu Hung joked, "If he would win the Golden Rooster Award he would have more than me. I never thought about competing with him, and I don't want to break any record." Siu Hung has been in film for years. She honestly said that she would put all of effort into every shot. Did she have no more regard as she became the seven time Best Actress? She said, "After so many years, the part that I couldn't get past was me (referring to age) reaching the middle. From a student to this age, I realized that acting did not rely on looks but on the heart. After I got past that the sky was wide open." Vladivostok is located in Russian (near the border between Siberia and North Korea). Although its location was remote, it was renowned in the international film world. About winning Best Actress again, Siu Hung said, "Film has no border or language difference. I am very happy to be recognized for my acting not only in the Chinese region, but also in an international film festival."

Lam Ka Tung actively supported film production and often attended events without any compensation. He also recommended some film industry friends to be instructors. Why did he not teach himself? He said, "I have been busy with a script planning lately, not to mention I am not qualified. I myself am studying acting with Lai Shuen's husband." His production last time, GALLANTS (DAI LUI TOI) performed decently. Ka Tung is planning his next project. Not only did he receive additional investment from his boss but he also hoped to invite more stars to perform. He joked that he still have many favors that he could call in.
source: Takungpao
credit : HkTopTen

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