Thursday, September 16, 2010

Suspended TVB GM, Stephen Chan expected to be charged with corruption (September 16, 2010)

Day of reckoning for suspended TVB boss

 Suspended TVB general manager Stephen Chan Chi Wan is expected to be charged with corruption when he reports to the Independent Commission Against Corruption today.

It will be the second time in three days he has been required to appear at the ICAC headquarters, the last being on Tuesday when there was speculation he was to be charged.

However, he turned up without his legal representatives.

As the listed Television Broadcasts Limited can be regarded as a public body, it is possible Chan may be charged with "misconduct while in public office," even if he is not accused of receiving any monetary gain.

An ICAC spokeswoman declined to comment on an individual case.

Chan's former personal assistant, Edthancy Tseng Pei Kun, and TVB head of business development Wilson Chan Wing Suen are also expected to report to the ICAC today.

It is believed more than 100 top artists and singers were interviewed after Stephen Chan was arrested in March by the ICAC.

There is no maximum penalty for those charged with misconduct while in public office as this depends on the scale of the misconduct and the amount of money involved. Such cases are usually heard in a lower court, which can hand out jail terms not exceeding seven years.

Chan was among five arrested during an ICAC operation codenamed "Valiant" for allegedly obtaining advantages without the authority of TVB.

Former executive producer Wilson Chin Kwok Wai and actor Ning Jin, whose real name is Leung Chi Cheong, were among those arrested, but had their bail terms lifted.

They were accused of working for an advertising and production company that arranged jobs for TVB artists with lower pay than that to which they were entitled.

Source: The Standard

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