Thursday, September 16, 2010

Vivien Yeo rumored to have had plastic surgery (September 16, 2010)

Yesterday, Vivien Yeo and Elaine Yiu went for a recording for a new eating show Mr. Candied. Vivien has a love for desserts, and personally revealed that when she was studying in university there was a male classmate who baked a cake to pursue her. But she didnt care for his cake and shared it with all the other classmates, as her way to reject his pursuit. She greatly boasted her boyfriend's culinary skills, so the reporters asks whether he is a candidate for marriage? She said: "Not so quick. Depends if there is children. (What if it is unintential pregnancy?) There is no chance, we take precautions." Elaine shared that she did make a cake for her past boyfriend: "But it didnt last and we parted after. (Not good, hard to eat?) That's not the case, actually it was quite good then!"

There has been a report that Virginia Lok, TVB's executive manager, took one of her "fadans" to get some "work done" in Mainland. When questioned, Vivien went around it, she said: "Since I was a child up to now, I have had an uneven face, so I get facial massages to even it out. Back then, when I was talked about, I would mind, but now it is alright." Also involved in the same rumor, Elaine denies any plastic surgery, she has heard about another colleague that went for some procedures though, but she didnt bother to find out who: "Virginia Lok has her things to do, no time for personal trips on the artist."

source: Oriental Daily
translation by HKStarPress

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