Thursday, September 16, 2010

Chow Yun Fat to give away 99% of wealth after death (September 16, 2010)

source: Xin MSN
Chinese actor Chow Yun Fat has seen it all in life.

Speaking to reporters in a press interview, Chow shocked many with a surprising revelation - to donate 99% of his wealth after death as a way of giving back to society.

"I don't want to bring anything along (when I die)," he gamely declared.

Having been on a photography trip to Inner Mongolia last year, the international star was inspired by the experience, and has since realised that everything in life is nothing but material goods.

"In the three days I left my wife to go on the trip, I learned many photography skills from them (photography enthusiasts who were on the trip). It was an eye-opener!" he quipped.

With over 37 years in the glitzy world of the entertainment industry, Chow has successfully achieved an illustrious career, living a life of wealth and fame.

However, the 55-year-old and his wife have no wish to hang on to their riches, opting instead to follow the lead of American philanthropists Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

"The money isn't mine but was simply earned by me. That doesn't mean I want to own it forever! " Chow said.

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