Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moses Chan praises Adam Cheng is the real TV King (September 21, 2010)

Yesterday Adam Cheng, Moses Chan, Maggie Siu and Aimee Chan attended the costume fitting for TVB new series The War of Heart. Moses expressed that this is the first time he's working with Adam, he is anticipating their collaboration and is feeling pressured. He said: "Adam is the master of drama both on and off screen, I'm just a novice."

Moses expressed that although Adam didn't get the TV King title like he did in the past, but he is definitely the 'TV & Film King', Moses said: "Once Adam steps out, he's already the TV King, the current Film King are just based on popularity and voting, before it was about the person's ability. I'm pretty old school, really hope for the old situations."

Adam laughed on Moses comment about the TV King, just blame that he was born at the wrong time, so it doesn't matter. He also praises Moses acting, all his roles were very diverse. Asked if he craves for the TV King title? Adam said: "The awards I won before were just all 'pork' awards, I don't know about now. Actually it doesn't matter, I don't fight with people, the most important is a good show." Adam expressed that Aimee Chan is his daughter Joyce Cheng's good friend, so normally he likes to tease girls, but he won't tease Aimee. Aimee expressed that she has not been teased by Adam before, so she's not worried. She said: "I will just develop my father-daughter relationship with Adam."

Source: Mingpao
Translated by: aZnangel @ http://asianuniverse.net/forums/

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cecilia Cheung Loses her Voice in New York (Sept 19, 2010)

The State Administration of Radio, Film and Television satellite channel program production center and Chinese American Arts Council organized 1st New York Chinese Film Festival officially began on night of September 18. Cecilia Cheung Pak Chi and Daniel Wu (Ng Yin Cho)
were invited to be guests and even walked the red carpet at the Lincoln Center. Their appearance led to cheers from the crowd.

Pak Chi due to the flu lost her voice. Thus at the opening ceremony, Ng Yin Cho and the host spoke to the guests. Pak Chi stated that she was very honored to be able to participate in this event, which she felt was very meaningful. She particularly selected a Hong Kong designer's fashion to attend. Because she was born and raised in Hong Kong, she would like overseas friends to appreciate different levels of Hong Kong creative property spirit.

Aside from Pak Chi and Ng Yin Cho, Zhang Hanyu and Jiang Wenli also attended. Each selected her favorite film to share with local film and cultural art students. Pak Chi selected the Derek Yee Tung Sing directed LOST IN TIME (MONG BUT LIU). She even thanked the director because the film brought her many awards and fan support. She thanked the film's executive producers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heung Wa Keung, who have always treated her like a daughter.

This film festival would run for three days. After the opening ceremony, September 19 and 20 will been screenings and on September 20 a China Night: Chinese American film exchange banquet and Most Outstanding Asian Artist Award presentation" will take place. Cheung Pak Chi, Ng Yin Cho, Zhang Hanyu, and Jiang Wenli will be the first film stars to receive the recognition.
source: takungpao/ singpao
redits: HKTopTen

TVB Anniversary Series Battle Between High Executives Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung (Sept 19, 2010)

Every year's TVB anniversary series are the fight between executives Catherine Tsang and Tommy Leung, the two powerful directors/producers in the production unit. Both have their wins and loses these years, however, series produced by Catherine has been winning over those produced by Tommy. Recent example include "Heart of Greed," "Moonlight Resonance," "Rosy Business," and "Beyond the Realm of Conscience," which are all very well-known series and did well in ratings, popularity, word of mouth, and TVB anniversary awards. In contrast, besides "E.U." was more outstanding, Tommy's other series didn't do so well. Last year, Tommy's "Born Rich" and Catherine's "BTROC" were selected as anniversary series. The final result: "BTROC" receives average ratings of 35 points and peaked 50 points; but "BR" was dissed by viewers as "Born Boring."

This month, Tommy's "Growing Through Life" is competing Catherine's "Can't Buy Me Love." "GTL" received mediocre ratings of 27 points but "CBML" receive average 33 points so far. Knowing he can't lose again for this year's anniversary series fight, Tommy purposely replaced "Relic of an Emissary" (洪武三十二) who was originally selected as one of the anniversary series, with police drama "Gun Metal Grey" (刑警). It's known the reason "ROAE" is out because its setting is similar to "Rosy Business 2: No Regrets," both sets in the ancient/prepublic series. Also, the duo of Michael Miu and Felix Wong in "GMG" is more interesting to watch, since they haven't collaborated in a long time. Reporters contacted Tommy and he explained the selection is decided by drama unit. "Heard it was going to be 'ROAE,' but they would decide based on the background and after production of the series. 'ROAE' just finished shooting. I watched 'GMG,' and think it's very good."

As for the female lead of "GMG" Jessica Hsuan, she expressed she didn't know "GMG" is releasing as an anniversary series. "Two of my series 'A Pillowcase of Mystery 2' and 'Sisters of Pearl' are released this year. Can't believe 'GMG' would release this year, too. I believe cops drama is guaranteed to have good ratings. Plus it's starring Michael and Felix, who hasn't shoot series in HK for a long time, definitely giving a fresh feeling to viewers. In fact, whether it's 'RB2: No Regrets' or 'GMG,' they're both by TVB, it would be good if both series do well in ratings." The competitors of "GMG," male lead and producer of "No Regrets" Wayne Lai and Lee Tim Sing both hope the two series can receive good ratings

Source: Mingpao Weekly / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

Bump Watch: Michelle Reis' Growing (Sept 19, 2010)

It's said the all time beauty Michelle Reis is pregnant with daughter. Although she and husband didn't deny or admit the rumor, readers can judge by her growing belly! Last night, the rumored new mom arrived at a well-known restaurant with husband, dining with relatives to celebrate Autumn Festival early. Wearing a black loose dress and 3-inch heels, she got off the car carefully with the help of husband. She appeared leisurely and had smiles on her face all the time.

Holding husband's hands tightly while walking inside the restaurant, Michelle only replied to reporters' pregnancy questions with a smile. Perhaps she would officially announce the good news soon in a Sina Microblog (Weibo) event she will be attending today. In the mean time, congratulations!
source: oriental daily, mingpao
credit: Kay's Ent

Kara Hui Wins her 7th Best Actress Award (September 19, 2010)

The fresh out of the oven 7 time Best Actress Wai Ying Hung and Lam Ka Tung yesterday attended a "film professional training project 2010" convocation ceremony to cheer on a group of young people who are interested in joining the film industry. Siu Hung two nights ago wtih AT THE END OF DAYBREAK (SUM MOR) won Best Actress at the Vladivostok International Film Festival. She revealed that originally she was very disappointed that the film could not compete for the Golden Rooster Hundred Flower Award during the day, but she received the good new the same night. She said that after receiving the text message she could not wait to inform her friends. Later she would be busy with the celebrations.

Siu Hung and Nick Cheung Ka Fai so far have won seven Best Actress and Best Actor award respectively. Speaking of her catching up, Siu Hung joked, "If he would win the Golden Rooster Award he would have more than me. I never thought about competing with him, and I don't want to break any record." Siu Hung has been in film for years. She honestly said that she would put all of effort into every shot. Did she have no more regard as she became the seven time Best Actress? She said, "After so many years, the part that I couldn't get past was me (referring to age) reaching the middle. From a student to this age, I realized that acting did not rely on looks but on the heart. After I got past that the sky was wide open." Vladivostok is located in Russian (near the border between Siberia and North Korea). Although its location was remote, it was renowned in the international film world. About winning Best Actress again, Siu Hung said, "Film has no border or language difference. I am very happy to be recognized for my acting not only in the Chinese region, but also in an international film festival."

Lam Ka Tung actively supported film production and often attended events without any compensation. He also recommended some film industry friends to be instructors. Why did he not teach himself? He said, "I have been busy with a script planning lately, not to mention I am not qualified. I myself am studying acting with Lai Shuen's husband." His production last time, GALLANTS (DAI LUI TOI) performed decently. Ka Tung is planning his next project. Not only did he receive additional investment from his boss but he also hoped to invite more stars to perform. He joked that he still have many favors that he could call in.
source: Takungpao
credit : HkTopTen

Johnny To Denies Insulting Stephen Chan (September 19, 2010)

Johnny To

Lee Chang-Dong, Louis Koo Tin Lok, Johnnie To Kei Fung, Josie Ho Chiu Yi and Michelle Ye (Yip ShueN) last night attended the Fresh Wave Short Film opening ceremony. To Kei Fung praised Lee Chang-Dong as Asia's first director and joked that standing next to him he suddenly felt like he was dizzy and did not know how to make a movie. To Kei Fung has not worked with Sammi Cheng Sau Man and Andy Lau Tak Wa for 7 or 8 years already. He honestly said that if their schedules permitted he would like to make a movie, as for the genre they would have to discuss it.

To Kei Fung once called Stephen Chan Chi Wan "strange". Speaking of him being officially charged, To Kei Fung joked, "Finally someone asks me. I already avoided it and now it's inevitable! Any problem should be investigated. The court should decide the matter, today we shouldn't say whether he was wrong or not." To Kei Fung denied calling Chan strange. He explained, "That wasn't what I meant. He ran a television station, I came from TVB too. The television station is a complete machine and we can't have machines that stand out too much. I don't want to criticize him. Today I shouldn't talk about Mr. Chan, we have no proof. I shouldn't say so much, I have already said too much."

To Kei Fung was also Mona Fong Yat Wa's favorite. Has she made him an offer? He pointed out that his direction has always been in film industry development. In addition he and Peter Lam Kin Ngok had a very long term contract. He joked that he had to serve his boss. Although Goo
Jai was injured, he still attended to support To Kei Fung. Chiu Yi was studying acting with Jim Chim Shui Man's mentor Philip Gaulier. She reportedly turned down a Japanese film because of it. Chiu Yi explained that she accepted a Mo Chun Fai play and could not make the film due to
scheduling conflict.
source: on.cc / takungpao / mingpao

Kara Hui Misses Golden Rooster Hundred Flower Award Competition (September 18, 2010)

Kara Hui (Wai Ying Hung) renewed her contract to be a product spokesperson. Yesterday she went on a bus parade with five young girls from the Mongkok police station to Tsim Sha Tsui East. Siu Hung due to her action actress background had wounds all over, not only did she have golf and tennis injuries but even her arm bone has changed shape. After taking the produce her pain has drastically subsided. She was the happiest about the product's beauty purposes, even when her contract ends she would receive a lifetime supply.

Siu Hung with AT THE END OF DAYBREAK (SUM MOR) rose in popularity because she won many Best Actress awards. Do she have more work? She said, "It's pretty much the same, I have more offers but I can't work too much. I have to keep my looks in mind and I don't want to work too hard, so I have always taken one after another. (Have you received a raise?) No, recently I took a Mainland prison film and got to work with my idol Siqin Gaowa, so I still charged my old rate." The film will start production at the end of the month. In Hong Kong she also took another film role. With series promotion she still had to work on her schedule, but she definitely would not work on another series this year as she did not want to work too hard and be tied down. She said, "Originally I planned to take time off, but not due to too many promotions it has been postponed. I have already asked for time off next January and visit Germany with my sister, because I have never been to Germany." As for the Golden Rooster Hundred Flower Award in October, Siu Hung's AT THE END OF DAYBREAK was not completely Hong Kong financed film so it could only participate and not compete. She honestly said that it was somewhat regrettable, but she still would attend and be the guest presenter.
source: takungpao / mingpao
provider: HKTopTen

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lelia Tong is surprised to receive wedding cake from co-stars, Friday September 17, 2010

Earlier Lelia Tong announced that she's marrying her boyfriend Desmond Tang of 3 years. Recently busy shooting for RHTK series Rooms To Let (有房出租), her father in the series, John Chiang suddenly shouted: "Surprise!" while they were filming in the studio the other day. The other cast members then pushed out a 8 pound wedding cake, Lelia was so surprised that she was speechless.

source: Ming Pao
content translation: aZnangel @ asian universe forum

Model Rosemary's First Appearance After Charged By Police (September 17, 2010)

28-year-old fashion model Rosemary was arrested by police in the US earlier due to drugs and vehicle charges. She returned to Hong Kong several days ago and has been staying in her mom's house since then. Yesterday reporters finally caught her first appearance in the public.

It was around 5PM that day. Wearing a tank top and loose pants, Rosemary walked into an oyster bar alone and asked for 3 glasses of water (seems 2 more people were coming). She looked tired and has gained some amount of weight; extra fat is visible on her arms and waist.

She didn't expect to meet reporters and panicked. She left the bar immediately without telling the staff anything. Reporters kept calling her name but she ignored them and continued her fast-pace walking. When asked her feelings and whether she worries she would go to jail? She didn't replied. She got onto her car and drove away.

Source: Oriental Daily

Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

Tavia Yeung: Mr. Chan didn't affect TVB's morale; Charmaine Sheh admits to gag order (September 17, 2010)

ICAC officially put corruption charges on TVB General Manager Stephen Chan, shocking the entire city. However, this time TVB did not "close the city" and still allowed the media the freedom to interview the artists inside TVB city. It was rumored that the corporation's GM (Lee Bo On) sent out e-mails to their artists ordering them to keep their mouths shut. Yesterday the media contacted TVB to confirm, TVB admitted to the rumor that all behind-the-scenes crew and artists are to keep their mouths shut, if they are involved in the case, they cannot talk about it at all. Yesterday a large group of reporters stood outside of Stephen's apartment, but he left through the back door to avoid the media. Reporters sent a SMS to comfort him, he responded "Thx".

In Stephen Chan's corruption case there are five TVB Fadans involved: Charmaine Sheh, Tavia Yeung, Sharon Chan, Shirley Yeung and Skye Chan. Yesterday besides Sharon, the other 4 appeared in public and went to work as usual. Another rumor started saying that Wayne Lai is on the list of witnesses in court, he expressed that he'll be a good responsible citizen and will cooperate for the investigation.

Yesterday at TVB City, Charmaine and Wayne were filming a series, while another group of artists were shooting for the TVB Anniversary Promotion Clip including Tavia Yeung, Shirley Yeung, Tracy Ip, Fala Chen, Bernice Liu, Bosco Wong, Kate Tsui, etc. Looks like Stephen's case did not affect their work.

Charmaine Sheh:
"Basically the case has already entered the judicial process, it is inconvenient for us to talk about it. I have to watch the news on TV to know too. (TVB ordered to keep mouths shut?) It is TVB's way of protecting us, my manager mentioned it to us before. (Will you call Mr. Chan to comfort him?) ..... Thank you!"

Tavia Yeung:
"I had to rely on all of you to know about Mr. Chan's news. I haven't had the chance to see the news. (Do you think the case will affect TVB's morale?) No, not at the moment. Actually I'm more worried about Mr. Chan, hope he is well, can happily face the case. The most important is nothing will happen, everything else leave it to TVB, I will not respond. (Rumored that TVB executive sent an e-mail out ordering everyone to keep their mouths shut?) Never received one. Actually, this is not what we should be discussing about. I am a part of the company, so I'm just responding with my own thoughts, other things leave it to TVB. (Do you know if you'll testify in court?) Leave it to TVB to arrange, I am not sure."

Shirley Yeung:
"Just got back from Mainland, I know that the case has entered the judicial process, not convenient for me to say too much."

Wayne Lai:
"Of course I hope Mr. Chan will be okay, I have always supported and admired him. If he really is charged, then that is an issue with the law. It will get very complicated. (Will you call him to comfort?) No, in personal lives we don't keep in touch often. We are not considered very familiar with one another, our identity is awkward. (Worried that he won't have jobs?) Not worried, he's still very smart, high EQ and he's quite talented. Of course there are people who won't like him. (Will accept ICAC's investigation request?) Yes, this is what a good responsible citizen does. If I am involved, I will testify, but for now no one has notified me. (TVB told you all to keep mouths shut?) Didn't received the notice either, but it's still inconvenient for us to talk about it because the case really has entered the judicial process. It's not misleading, have to leave it to the court for the ruling, plus have to be fair."

Bosco Wong:
"I didn't know about it, not convenient to respond. If necessary, I will assist anyway I can in court as a responsible citizen. (TVB ordered to keep mouths shut?) No, we have freedom of speech, I never received email."

Tracy Ip:
"TVB didn't tell us to keep our mouths shut, I just don't know what to say because I don't know the case in detail. (Familiar with Mr.Chan?) We had dinner a few years ago, he taught me to face the news positively. (Have you accepted jobs related to him?) I have once, but it's volunteer work. (In the future, will it be problem if you are asked to be investigated?) No problem. (Do you keep in touch with him now?) Not at this time. He takes good care of artists, he is our executive, everyone knows him, but in the current situation, I don't want to bother him."

Bernice Liu:
"I have seen the news, hope everyone can get back to normal soon. Other things it is not convenient for me to say. (Called Mr. Chan?) No, leave it to TVB, the government or involved corporations. (TVB ordered to keep mouths shut?) Didn't say that, didn't tell us to keep mouths shut. (Worried about Mr. Chan?) We are all colleagues, hope to our lives will get back to normal, give people involved in the case some space."

Fala Chen:
"Didn't pay attention to it, will not respond. Also the case has already entered judicial process. (TVB told you all to keep mouths shut?) Didn't receive such orders. Should respect the case and the people involved. (Will you call Mr. Chan?) At this moment, I do not want to bother him, hope he'll be okay, can get through this tough time."

Kate Tsui: "Of course hope Mr. Chan will be okay. Because I am not really sure of the current situation, it's not convenient for me to respond. (Have to keep mouths shut?) Haven't been notified, I do not want to comment on uncertainties."

Moses Chan: "Was not notified. Felt unhappy seeing the news about Mr. Chan. I hope he can get through it as soon as possible. For now, will not contact him. I am actually more worried about him, he is a capable person. I can't do anything, will have to see how Mr. Chan's lawyer handles it. I can only give my condolence to him through the media, hope he'll be okay."

TVB Foreign Affairs Director (Tsang Sing Ming) expressed: "Because the situation has entered the judicial process, whatever anyone says about the case and the information can possibility affect the development, so TVB is protecting every aspect, so sent out the email. This done for manners, and has always been done this way. If the case is charged, then we cannot comment." (Will Mona Fong appear in court as speculated?) "Don't know who is spreading the rumor, what the report says is all speculations, not necessarily the fact." (What is Stephen's current situation?) "Will be announced, depending on the progress."

Source: Mingpao
content translated by: aZnangel @ asianuniverse forums

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Ladies think Donnie Yen is a Good Man ( September 16, 2010)

LEGEND OF THE FIST THE RETURN OF CHEN ZHEN (JING MO FUNG WON CHEN ZHEN) two nights ago held its global premiere at the Beijing Film Museum. Director Andrew Lau Wai Keung led actors Donnie Yen Chi Tan, Shu Qi, Anthony Wong Chau Sun, Huang Bo, Shawn Yue Man Lok, Huo Siyan, Ryu Kohata and Exile member Akira attended.

Shu Qi wore a short white dress and walked the red carpet in the arms of Chi Tan. The team after arriving in Beijing in the morning began to work. Due to the tight schedule, they have not eaten all day and was starving at the premiere. When they saw over 1,000 onlookers, they immediately became energized and excitedly appeared on the red carpet. Shu Qi and Chi Tan in the film played a couple with an awkward relationship. Shu Qi sighed that Chi Tan truly was a very nice man, unfortunately she was not his wife. Chi Tan looked embarrassed.

After the Beijing premiere, the film last night held its Shanghai premiere. The host brought out nunchukus for Wong Chau Sun and Huang Bo to plya with. Chau Sun looked convincing with them as he joked this was his god son Jay Chou (Chow Kit Lun)'s Chou-chukus and revealed its secret, "Actually during the shoot I picked up a lot from Lau Wai Keung and Yen Chi Tan."

Shu Qi after the film shoot wished that she could marry a man like Yen Chi Tan. Yesterday another actress Huo Siyan also daringly admitted, "Big Brother Chi Tan is who I want to marry" and even praised Chi Tan as the "New Good Man". She said that she was envious of how great Chi Tan was to his wife and thought this was the man who she wanted to marry.

source: on.cc

Does Chrissie Chau have a fear of Volleyball? (September 16, 2010)

Lang mo's Chrissie Chau Sau Na and Jessica C's new film BEACH SPIKE (YIT LONG KAU OI JIN) held its wrap-up banquet two nights ago. Jessica C. arrived in a small tank top and became the focus of the event, but she did not receive the same treatment as Chau Sau Na, Theresa Fu Wing and her rumored boyfriend Him Law and sat with director Tony Tang and executive producer Charlie Wong. The three women during photo opportunities held each other by the waist to dispel any talk of dispute. Fu Wing even said that the girls were not at odds. Instead because of the toughness of the shoot they cared about each other; however Chrissie complained that she was very dry.

Sister Na due to work was the last artist to arrive. Speaking of BEACH's volleyball and kung fu, did she breathe a sigh of relief with the wrap? She agreed. "At least I don't have to suffer from mosquito bites; in addition BEACH's action and volleyball scenes indeed were rather tough, once we shot for 18 hours straight. I believed the three of us now are afraid of even seeing a volleyball. However because we constantly played volleyball, I have become healthier and improved a lot at the game."

Someone joked that she and Jessica C. in the film often had to throw out their chest to play, now they could finally put away their "balls"; Sister Na humorously said, "We put them all away! Today we didn't bring any volleyball, haha. However after making this movie I would seek therapy from a Chinese medicine practitioner. Because of being in the sun everyday my eyes showed signs of heat. In addition I haven't been to a beauty salon in two months, it's time to take care of my skin. It's too dry and lack nourishment. (Did you only feel dry because you haven't had time to see your boyfriend?) Haha, lately indeed I have rarely seen him."

Fu Wing also admitted that volleyball was rather hard to play, but was happy that she received praised for her kung fu scenes. She was interested to continue to practice martial art and work toward becoming an action actress. As for the dispute rumors between girls, she denied, "How could that be, Chau Sau Na and I have already become good friends. Actually all of us girls have, everyone have been like a professional volleyball team with a lot of unity spirit. We even worry about each other if we get hurt, for better and for worse!"

After finishing her first film, Jessica C. was very happy and felt very lucky. She was rather nervous about her first film but everyone in the film was very friendly and supportive to me, as if they were helping her grown in the film industry.

source: singtao.com

Chow Yun Fat to give away 99% of wealth after death (September 16, 2010)

source: Xin MSN
Chinese actor Chow Yun Fat has seen it all in life.

Speaking to reporters in a press interview, Chow shocked many with a surprising revelation - to donate 99% of his wealth after death as a way of giving back to society.

"I don't want to bring anything along (when I die)," he gamely declared.

Having been on a photography trip to Inner Mongolia last year, the international star was inspired by the experience, and has since realised that everything in life is nothing but material goods.

"In the three days I left my wife to go on the trip, I learned many photography skills from them (photography enthusiasts who were on the trip). It was an eye-opener!" he quipped.

With over 37 years in the glitzy world of the entertainment industry, Chow has successfully achieved an illustrious career, living a life of wealth and fame.

However, the 55-year-old and his wife have no wish to hang on to their riches, opting instead to follow the lead of American philanthropists Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

"The money isn't mine but was simply earned by me. That doesn't mean I want to own it forever! " Chow said.

Vivien Yeo rumored to have had plastic surgery (September 16, 2010)

Yesterday, Vivien Yeo and Elaine Yiu went for a recording for a new eating show Mr. Candied. Vivien has a love for desserts, and personally revealed that when she was studying in university there was a male classmate who baked a cake to pursue her. But she didnt care for his cake and shared it with all the other classmates, as her way to reject his pursuit. She greatly boasted her boyfriend's culinary skills, so the reporters asks whether he is a candidate for marriage? She said: "Not so quick. Depends if there is children. (What if it is unintential pregnancy?) There is no chance, we take precautions." Elaine shared that she did make a cake for her past boyfriend: "But it didnt last and we parted after. (Not good, hard to eat?) That's not the case, actually it was quite good then!"

There has been a report that Virginia Lok, TVB's executive manager, took one of her "fadans" to get some "work done" in Mainland. When questioned, Vivien went around it, she said: "Since I was a child up to now, I have had an uneven face, so I get facial massages to even it out. Back then, when I was talked about, I would mind, but now it is alright." Also involved in the same rumor, Elaine denies any plastic surgery, she has heard about another colleague that went for some procedures though, but she didnt bother to find out who: "Virginia Lok has her things to do, no time for personal trips on the artist."

source: Oriental Daily
translation by HKStarPress

Leila and stageplay genius to get married in November (September 16, 2010)

by Leila.T Connected

Leila who has enjoyed being low-profile all along, announced that she will be moving on into another stage in life via weibo yesterday. She will be marrying stageplay genius, Tang Wai Kit, whom she has been dating for three years. As the news traveled, many of her friends congratulated her.

Leila Tong, who entered the industry as a childstar, does not have alot of rumours all the while. She announced her wedding news via weibo in the wee hours yesterday and shared her happiness with everyone. Leila said simply, "Thank you for accompanying me and seeing my growth. Now I want to tell all of you that I'm prepared to move on to another stage in life! I hereby announce to everyone, I'm getting married!"

Dating for three years, living together since last year

Leila's fiance, Tang Wai Kit, is a renowned genius in Hong Kong's theatre industry and has acted as well directed numerous plays. The two of them met each other on the stage of <Popcorn> in 2007 and dated for three years. Although Tang Wai Kit is older than Leila by 13 years, but they have the same passion for arts and their relationship deepened very quickly. Leila admitted that she was attracted to Tang Wai Kit's talent and the two of them started to live together end of last year. She had decided to give her family a clear explanation and decided to get married.

Going public so that they won't have to be sneaky

Although Leila and Tang Wai Kit have been planning their wedding for quite a while, but they have yet to officially register till now. Leila just took on the RTHK drama <Rooms To Let 2> and Tang Wai Kit will be performing with Perry Chiu for a stageplay. Leila's manager said, "They have scheduled to register two months later but the both of them are really so busy that the dinner between two families will have to wait till two months later as well (Will Leila be anxious to be become a mother after marriage?) I believe that she will let nature takes its course. (Will she reject sexy performances after marriage?) No one has looked for her for sexy performances all along, but she did not set any limitations for hereself." From what we know, the reason that Leila decided to announce her wedding plans is because she wants to spend an open life with her husband in future and does not want to be sneaky about it.

Source: Oriental Daily

Gigi Lai reunites with baby daughter

An overjoyed Gigi Lai has finally received her younger twin daughter back from the hospital.

In July this year, Gigi Lai successfully gave birth to premature twin daughters.

However, the younger girl was too light (1.36 kg or 3 lbs.) to be deemed healthy for discharged - until recently.

A visibly happy Gigi was seen shopping in Hong Kong's central, buying clothes for her baby girl.

The new mom had reportedly insisted on breast feeding her children, and was said to be consistently consuming tonic products and fish soup to nurse her health.

Prior to the pregnancy, Gigi and her husband, tycoon Patrick Ma have been working hard for a child. A successful artificial insemination procedure finally granted their wish.

To reward his wife for her hard work, Patrick Ma spared no expenses, spending lavishly on a whooping HKD $15 million (S $3 million or USD $1.9 million) on a luxurious yacht for Gigi.

The yacht was later named Bonheur, meaning happiness in French.

The elated 53-year-old businessman even splurged on a luxurious HKD $800,000 (S $160,000 or US$103,000) hospital ward for his wife to stay after her delivery.

According to reports, the doting husband was also said to have spent over HKD $1 million (S $200,000 or USD $130,000) on tonics such as bird's nest and abalone for Gigi's post-natal recuperation.
Source: XIN MSN

Suspended TVB GM, Stephen Chan expected to be charged with corruption (September 16, 2010)

Day of reckoning for suspended TVB boss

 Suspended TVB general manager Stephen Chan Chi Wan is expected to be charged with corruption when he reports to the Independent Commission Against Corruption today.

It will be the second time in three days he has been required to appear at the ICAC headquarters, the last being on Tuesday when there was speculation he was to be charged.

However, he turned up without his legal representatives.

As the listed Television Broadcasts Limited can be regarded as a public body, it is possible Chan may be charged with "misconduct while in public office," even if he is not accused of receiving any monetary gain.

An ICAC spokeswoman declined to comment on an individual case.

Chan's former personal assistant, Edthancy Tseng Pei Kun, and TVB head of business development Wilson Chan Wing Suen are also expected to report to the ICAC today.

It is believed more than 100 top artists and singers were interviewed after Stephen Chan was arrested in March by the ICAC.

There is no maximum penalty for those charged with misconduct while in public office as this depends on the scale of the misconduct and the amount of money involved. Such cases are usually heard in a lower court, which can hand out jail terms not exceeding seven years.

Chan was among five arrested during an ICAC operation codenamed "Valiant" for allegedly obtaining advantages without the authority of TVB.

Former executive producer Wilson Chin Kwok Wai and actor Ning Jin, whose real name is Leung Chi Cheong, were among those arrested, but had their bail terms lifted.

They were accused of working for an advertising and production company that arranged jobs for TVB artists with lower pay than that to which they were entitled.

Source: The Standard

Cecilia Cheung rumoured to have went for two boob jobs after a failed one (September 15, 2010)

Source: XIN MSN

How do you deal with a broken heart?

Cecilia Cheung did it her way and got not just one, but two boob jobs.

According to reports by the Hong Kong media, Cecilia went through a frantic period of bust enhancement after breaking up with her then-boyfriend Nicholas Tse, before the pair's reconciliation in 2006.

After steamy pictures of Cecilia surfaced in the Edison Chen sex scandal, netizens had asked in disbelief: How could someone so slim have C-cup breasts?

Friends of Cecilia had reportedly revealed that the mother of two had indeed gone through breasts enhancement surgery.

The actress had reportedly been too affected by the complex love triangle amongst Nicholas, Faye Wong and herself that she decided to work on her body.

However, the first surgery was not successful, and friends mocked her for having breasts shaped "illogically".

A disappointed Cecilia then headed to Korea for a second reconstructive surgery on her assets.

Stephen Chow breaks silence on Kitty Zhang's contract dispute (Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Hong Kong)

Kitty Zhang (left) and Stephen Chow (right) in a publicity still from 2008's "CJ7".

Source: Channel News Asia
Hong Kong actor-director Stephen Chow broke his silence Sunday regarding his entertainment company's contract dispute with Chinese actress Kitty Zhang and expressed that he will seek legal recourse, reported Hong Kong media.

Zhang, who is signed to Chow's entertainment company Star Overseas, had taken on a role in Chinese director Wang Quan An's drama series "White Deer Plain" without the company's knowledge.

Her decision had apparently raised the ire of Chow, who discovered her and cast her as a kind teacher in his 2008 film "CJ7".

"Am I upset? I think talking about it is pointless, everything will be done according to the law," Chow told reporters.

Zhang is the second actress in recent years to have had contract issues with Chow's firm.

Chinese actress Eva Huang was discovered by Chow and appeared in his 2004 film "Kung Fu Hustle".

Star Overseas put her career on ice in 2005, after she did a photo shoot in swimwear for a magazine without the firm's consent, claiming that the photos destroyed her chaste image.

Huang felt that she was not treated fairly and wanted to terminate her contract but was later sued by Star Overseas for alleged breach of contract.

However, she eventually managed to break away from the company.

When asked if he will continue to develop new talent after the disappointment of seeing his proteges leave him, Chow, who is currently in the midst of deciding on the cast for his new film "King of Comedy 2", gave a non-committal response.

"When directors shoot a film, they use both old and new artistes. I will leave it to the company to decide if we sign new artistes," said the showbiz veteran.